15th December 2023 - Issue #1
We are excited to present to you the maiden edition of the Training for Peace (TfP) Programme e-newsletter! The newsletter would be issued bi-annually to share key highlights of our activities, spotlight our Partners and also share our recent publications. We wish you a pleasant read!
The TfP Programme is the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ flagship capacity-support programme to the African Union Commission (AUC). It also acts as the implementing arm of the peace and security component of the MoU between the Government of Norway and the AU.
ACCORD’s support to the African Standby Capacity Roster
Recognizing that civilian expertise, which is often crosscutting, is required for an array of Peace Support Operations (PSOs), the African Union Commission (AUC), Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Regional Mechanisms (RMs) established the African Standby Capacity (ASC)… read more
Supporting the reimagining of new frameworks for peace: Financing of AU PSOs and the New Agenda for Peace
The search for new ideas and approaches to address insecurity has increasingly become more dire as the world grapples with the multiple crises threatening global and regional peace and stability… read more
Strengthening the AUPSOs mandates now and in the future; NUPI/TfP engage experts to document best practices and lessons learned during AMISOM’s 15-year operations in Somalia
The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) was established by the African Union (AU) with a mandate to support the Federal Government of Somalia in its efforts to restore peace and stability to the country. AMISOM's mandate includes… read more
- Tchie, A. & Kumalo, L. (2023) Transferring Policy: The African Union´s Protection of civilians Policy in Peacekeeping Missions in Somalia and South Sudan. African Journal on Conflict Resolution, Volume 23 , 9-34. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajcr/article/view/255574
- Tchie, A. (2023) Convenience or complementarity: the African Union´s partnership with the United Nations in Sudan and South Sudan. South African Journal of Political Studies, Volume 50, 254-272. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02589346.2023.2244849?scroll=top&needAccess=true
- Tchie, A. (2023) Generation three and a half peacekeeping: Understanding the evolutionary character of African-led Peace Support Operations. African Security Review, Volume 32, 421-439. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10246029.2023.2237482
- Tchie, A. (2023) African-led Peace Support Operations in a declining period of new UN Peacekeeping Operations. Global Governance, Volume 29, 230-244. https://brill.com/view/journals/gg/29/2/article-p230_9.xml?rskey=5FsHA8&result=1
- Tchie, A. (2023) Nomad and Warlords, Chadian Forces in African Peace Operations. Global Governance, Volume 25, 337-362. https://brill.com/view/journals/joup/25/4/article-p337_002.xml
- Tchie, A. (2023, August) Enhancing the African Union´s function in supporting transitional governments in Africa. Training for Peace. https://trainingforpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/Training-for-Peace-AU_Transitions.pdf
- Dessu, M.K., Dawit Yohannes and Charles T Hunt. (2023). How effective is policing in protecting civilians in peace operations? Lessons from the UN Mission in South Sudan. Internet source, available at https://issafrica.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/monograph-211.pdf.
- Yohannes, D., M.K. Dessu and Andrews Atta-Asamoah (2023). Africa isn’t ready for a withdrawal of peacekeepers. ISS today, available at, https://issafrica.org/iss-today/africa-isnt-ready-for-a-withdrawal-of-peacekeepers. 10 OCT 2023.
- Yohannes, D. (2023). New Agenda for Peace: a reckoning for Africa on collective security? ISS Today, available at https://issafrica.org/iss-today/new-agenda-for-peace-a-reckoning-for-africa-on-collective-security. 10 AUG 2023.
- Yohannes,D., Dessu, M.K. & Liaga, E., A. 2023, Could UN funding for AU peace missions become the norm? ISS Today, available at https://issafrica.org/iss-today/could-un-funding-for-au-peace-missions-become-the-norm. 24 MAY 2023.
- Yohannes,D., Dessu, M.K. (2023). ATMIS is still central to protecting Somali’s hard-won gains. ISS Today, available at https://issafrica.org/iss-today/atmis-is-still-central-to-protecting-somalis-hard-won-gains. 26 APR 2023.
- Yohannes,D., Dessu, M. K. (2022).What do protests say about UN peacekeeping in Africa? ISS today, available at, https://issafrica.org/iss-today/what-do-protests-say-about-un-peacekeeping-in-africa. 28 OCT 2022.
- Yohannes,D., Dessu, M. K. (2022).Can the African Standby Force match up to current security threats? ISS Today. Available at, https://issafrica.org/iss-today/can-the-african-standby-force-match-up-to-current-security-threats. 02 JUN 2022.
- Dessu, M.K,. D. 2023. Is the AU mission in Somalia changing in name only? ISS Today, available at https://issafrica.org/iss-today/is-the-au-mission-in-somalia-changing-in-name-only. 29 MAR 2022 .
- Liaga, E., A. 2023. Youth should take a word from the wise. BY PSC Report. Available at https://issafrica.org/pscreport/psc-insights/youth-should-take-a-word-from-the-wise. 12 MAY 2023.
- Liaga, E., A. 2023. Gender parity paramount in peace support operations. BY PSC Report. BY ISS PSC REPORT. Available at https://issafrica.org/pscreport/psc-insights/gender-parity-paramount-in-peace-support-operations. 08 AUG 2023.
- Yohannes,D., Dessu, M. K. (2023). AU at 20: taking stock of peace support operations. BY ISS PSC REPORT. Available at https://issafrica.org/pscreport/psc-insights/au-at-20-taking-stock-of-peace-support-operations. 10 JAN 2023.
African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) - www.accord.org.za
Institute for Security Studies (ISS) - www.issafrica.org
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) - www.nupi.no
We welcome your feedback, thoughts and suggestions on this newsletter