The TfP Programme is the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’
flagship capacity-support programme to the African Union Commission (AUC).
It also acts as the implementing arm of the peace and security component of
the MoU between the government of Norway and the AU.
The programme’s main objectives are to provide support to the AUC to enhance knowledge and understanding of the evolving conflict and security environment on the continent; and contribute to strengthening the AUC’s comprehensive range of response capacities.
Providing Support
Enhancing Knowledge
Strengthening Capacities
The programme’s main objectives are to provide support to the AUC to enhance knowledge and understanding of the evolving conflict and security environment on the continent; and contribute to strengthening the AUC’s comprehensive range of response capacities.
The TfP Programme draws on the distinct strengths of its three-tier partnership with the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD), the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI).
Find out moreWHAT WE DO
The TfP Programme works to generate knowledge, support the development of policy and builds the capacity of police and civilian peacekeepers.