On 3 March, ISS attended and presented at a workshop organised by the Cairo Centre for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa (CCCPA) entitled Partnerships for Peace & Security in Africa: The African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) Roadmap and the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) VI Nairobi Declaration. The workshop was organised in the aftermath of the Sixth TICAD and aimed at exploring the future of the APSA from the viewpoint of key peacekeeping training centres and policy makers. It also identified synergies and opportunities for partnerships and harmonization of efforts, with a particular focus on the TICAD process, and its contribution to training and capacity building activities in the field of peace and security in Africa. The event brought together representatives of training/research centres in Africa (+APSTA), TICAD partners (UN, UNDP, World Bank, AU), and representatives of the Governments of Egypt and Japan and African Embassies in Cairo. ISS presented in the session regarding the APSA roadmap and perspectives for training centres, sharing perspectives on how training centres should better link their initiatives to the overall theory of changes developed by the AU in its plans and roadmaps.