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New Senior Police Adviser to EASFCOM
2 Jun 2014
A new Norwegian Police Adviser to Eastern Africa Standby Force Coordination Mechanism (EASFCOM) will be in place from 24 June 2014. The new adviser, Ass Commissioner, Mr Finn-Tore Pettersen, will re-place Mr Torbjorn Sande, who left office last year.  
Mr Finn-Tore Pettersen - Senior Police Adviser to EASFCOM
Mr Finn-Tore Pettersen - Senior Police Adviser to EASFCOM
  Mr Finn-Tore Pettersen (45) has a Bachelor Degree on policing from the Norwegian National Police University College. He has concentrated his service on operational issues. His latest position was Chief Operation in a district on the West Coast of Norway. He has also been the Head of Police Labour Union in his district. Mr Pettersen is one of the Norwegian police International instructors. In this capacity he has been giving trainer support to Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) and to EASFCOM. Mr Pettersen will take office 24 June 2014. He will be advising EASFCOM until the end of 2015.

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